First step is to register for our tech crew using this google form:
Interviews for Tech Crew positions will be held Wednesday, Dec. 11 3:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Interested students should sign up for a timeslot using the Sign Up Genius Below:
Sign Up for Your Time Slot Here!
Students will sign up in groups of 10 for a 20 minute timeslot. During this time, each student will have the chance to meet with the director, hand in their application and work on a short design element. After their timeslot is finished they do not need to stay.
Students can pick from the following options to create in their 20 minute interview slot.
(we are not looking for perfection or outstandingly over the top ideas, just gauging any form of ideas and problem solving skills.)
Option 1: Draw and design what you think a stain glass window that is made of five separate pieces that when held next to each other look like one window could look like.
Option 2: Explain how you would create a rose with pedals that could fall off with control.
Option 3: Create a table of contents that could be used to organize a stage managers binder. should include rehearsal reports, script, attendance sheets, and anything else you think you need on a daily basis to organize and call a show.
Option 4: Draw or explain how you would create a human and a candlestick costume for Lumiere. (could include colors and fabrics, but any ideas are great!)
We are asking each student to bring the following application form, completed when they arrive. This document is designed to help us put each student in the crew assignment that best utilizes their talents and fits with the rest of the team. It is important that they consider choices beyond their first choice because we can't put everyone in the same job. So, while we might have 10 students interested in learning about the sound board, we can only use a few so the others will need to be placed in other areas of interest. This application and the short interview will help us make those determinations. Please re-read the tech crew job descriptions first and then fill out the application to bring with you on Wednesday.
We can't place a student on tech crew without parent permission! And it's important to us that everyone understands the time commitments involved. So, we've put together a handbook with everything you need to know about being involved in the musical. Please download this handbook (below) and read through it. It outlines when rehearsals are, the "Super Saturday" and "Fantastic Friday workdays, as well as tech week and show days. Towards the end of the handbook are two pages that you need to print and sign. One is a parent permission form and the other is a student contract. Each applicant needs to bring one of these with them Wednesday as well.
- Sign Up For a Time Slot
- Fill out and bring in the Application Form
- Print/Sign and bring in student/parent contracts
- Plan ideas for your design element.
We can't wait to meet you all! See you on Wednesday!